PADI Divemaster internship / Divemaster course

Divemaster intern looking for cool critters.

We strongly believe that the best way to become a confident PADI Divemaster is to do an internship. Our divemaster internship takes between six and eight weeks.  Unlike many other instructor development centers, you won't be rushed through your pro training if you choose to do your divemaster training with us. If you wish to spend 12 weeks doing the course that is fine by us. From the day you arrive on the island until you finish the divemaster internship the diving is unlimited, (or at least only limited by space on the boat!). If you have not yet logged the 40 dives required to start your divemaster course, that is no problem. We will start your internship by getting you out there logging dives at no extra cost. Reading this blog from PADI shows they agree with us!

The divemaster course, Whilst there are some serious aspects, it mainly just damn good fun!

The divemaster course, Whilst there are some serious aspects, it mainly just damn good fun!

The average divemaster trainee will log between 60 and 100 dives with us. All for one unbelievable price!

The PADI Divemaster internship that may well change your life as it did for all of us! Our divemaster training develops your leadership abilities, qualifying you to supervise dive activities and assist PADI instructors with student divers. It is a vital stepping stone along the path to open water scuba instructor. Your divemaster internship on Roatan should be one of the best times of your life. Not only because you are doing lots of diving in a beautiful tropical, but because of the awesome array of people you will have the opportunity to meet and work with. Whilst there are naturally serious aspects to the course, there is a huge focus on FUN. Since most people dive for fun, you need to develop skills that ensure the safety of your divers without taking away the fun.

The PADI Divemaster internship is the first step into the ranks of PADI Pros.  It sets the foundation upon which you build a career.  You will learn more on this course than any other.  It also takes your knowledge to a professional level, through self-study and mentoring from a PADI Instructor, Staff Instructor, and Course Director. The better taught your divemaster course is, the more fruitful your diving career is likely to be. Take your time in deciding where to do your Divemaster internship in Roatan, it is an important decision.

What is divemaster training and what will I do?

Many people wonder what we mean by an internship. What it means is you will learn on the job. The divemaster training is not a structured course with a set timetable. You are welcomed as part of the Coconut Tree Divers team and work as part of the team throughout your training with us. It is not a cheap way to get lots of fun dives, when you sign up for a pro course, you will be trained by pros to be a pro. That involves you doing more than just doing lots of diving. Although there is more diving involved than anything else by a long way!

A divemaster student appreciating the beauty of Roatan's colourful reef.

There are quite a few different aspects to what you need to learn to be a competent dive professional. Many of these skills are do with your judgment. Judgment is not taught, it is developed through coaching and mentoring. In your time with us, we will ensure that you gain experience assisting a seasoned PADI instructor in many aspects of a dive professional’s job. This will include assisting on training at all levels from Discover Scuba Diving through to the Rescue course. You will assist by guiding certified divers of differing abilities at different sites in varying conditions.  All of these skills are better learned by working with actual customers in real-life situations. We don't know in advance what customers we will have at any given time, what we do know is that over a minimum six-week period we will be able to expose you to the experiences you need to become a knowledgeable, confident divemaster. 

You will have some classroom sessions and some in-water skill development sessions with one of our experienced instructors, but a huge amount of what you will learn be learned by shadowing our staff and gradually taking on more and more responsibility as your training divemaster training progresses.

During the internship, you will spend roughly 14 days assisting instructors in teaching courses.  Seven days will be spent spread between classroom, confined water, and open water sessions developing your specific dive skills and knowledge, the rest will be spent assisting with the certified divers fun diving. The actual PADI standards for the divemaster course can be found here.

An internship doesn't mean is free! We do not offer free courses in exchange for labor. Our instructors spend a lot of time coaching and advising divemaster trainees, the time they put in is too valuable to give away for nothing.

Read more about the Divemaster Internship.

Read about the typical daily schedule during our Divemaster course

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